G10 IGCSE Commentary

Post your commentary for Grade 10 Commentary
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  1. Zaynab Al-Balushi Mr. Farley

    English assignment

    Faith in designated authorities evolved over time. Infact, nowadays almost everybody has faith in them, but somehow never dare to question it. That's because it's not within our DNA to challenge designated authorities. We as humans don't evolve with independent thinking as part of our self-preservation.

    So, that's why I am breaking my self-preservation and questioning my thoughts, why do I have to trust and believe in them.

    The human brain is involved to make us survive by fitting in. We are taught to believe in authority,our parents and elders. This is because there is something in return for us as well, whether it is money or others to obey us. Basically, we are doing this for ourselves.

    This cycle repeats itself-generation after another, as well as adjusting every generation. You might nor believe or have faith in all authorities, yet surely none the less you might have faith in one or two of them.

    One of the authorities that I will assure you I have faith in is my biology teachers (other that my parents). They sound so convincing like they know what they are saying and that's how the get me to believe in them. I have a feeling that this is because l never knew to start with about biology so I fall into every “lie” I get into and never question it. I really never was a curious person and I perceive this as a good thing. Therefore, I am going to investigate the knowledge they offer into my brain.

    I start to wonder why did l never get curios? why my thinking is so straightforward and strive for the easiest way to get my answers?,so, as every person I've met. Ultimately speaking, we believe in scientist because we assume that they are experts and we are not even close to being amateurs.

    I found this website about couriousty towards science and scientists thoughts and opinions. Instead of filling me in with answers to my irritating questions, l dug a bigger hole of unanswered questions. Hence, I gave myself a thought of giving up on the fact that I can fill in the gap I've stretched. However, suddenly a thought of others in the past not being able to get curious or direct questions to authority brought to my mind and whoever fought against them got their heads chopped off, with no justice.

    With all the arguments against questioning authority, I personally believe that I have the right to ask questions to those who claim themselves as experts, and we as humans are allowed to think outside the box.

  2. Do we live in a simulation

    Do we live in a simulation that's one of the most compelling questions. Do the authority know something do they know that we live in a simulation or do they have advanced computers to make other simulations.

    There are two sides to the coin one are believers and the other are doubters. Believers say that we are in a simulation in a simulation in another simulation. Doubters on the other hand think that's it to hard to make a simulation this advanced for example the Universe.

    During the last few decades there has been prof that its possible to make a simulation but not as advanced as possible to make a complex simulation it will need a powerful computer.

    Doubters say there should be a glitch for example the moon flickering because this world is so complex that its needs a powerful mind like a God because there are many animals bacteria fungi it will be to hard for advanced humans to create things like this because most mythical animals are based on living animals

    With all of this knowledge are you going to believe the believer's or the debouters in what group are you putting your trust towards your faith is yours and both sides want your faith because you are going to fight for there belief

    Asta lavista this was Turki Al Sinani

  3. Faith is an interesting case. Faith may be both a case of invention and discovered discovery. Though the object of faith greatly affects your outcome (faith always requires an object). And numerous meaning of the concept “faith” poured into that word (trust ,confidence, or believe-without-seeing)

    Colors the light you get out of it - rendering of possibility too broad to broadcast here(unless you bribe me). bribe or no bribe though, in any case, the truth is often contracted the extremes.

    Most people would say that authority, in some capacity is necessary – but authorities can be problematic. Conflict with authority figures is something unavoidable : as children, we may balk at cleaning our rooms when our parents tell us to, and as adults, we may question a request made by our boss at work or challenge the integrity of our elected official. The way we feel about authority, and the way in which we respond to such conflicts, is ultimately a matter of trust.

    The ancient had many novel ideas about the shape of earth. Most of people trust on their country or religion theory but some don’t believe that, so they are trying to invent their own theory by travelling long distances and thinking that earth is flat and getting wider day by day.

    Lots of people depend or give Absolute confidence on history but always this question recur in my mind (can we ever know the whole truth about what happened in the past?) absolutely no because knowledge expand every day. And scientists invent oftentimes so you should adapt on your environment and give passion to the future.

    by: Laith Almahrezi

  4. Salim Fathi Almukhaini- G10

    Traditionally, faith has been considered as a source of justification for authority belief, because it can purportedly the epistemic function, it has been a matter of much interest to authority on how people should treat claims derived from either source. Some have demonstrated their thoughts on authority, about whether they have faith in what they claim to be right especially in things that seem to be unrealistic even if there are proofs to justify and strengthen their point.

    Our community, which is the whole world population, are divided when it comes to faith in their own authorities, in other words some don’t have any faith in their authorities while others have full faith on what their authorities claims, and there are also ones in which are between this huge controversy, what I mean is that they yes have faith in their authorities but also lose it as some times.

    One of the biggest arguments out there is people’s faith in authorities when it comes to the medication industry, some are criticizing their authorities for what they claim as lack of care towards this vital department, they have their reasons on why they think authorities are not doing their job the way they should, which is kind of interesting, they think that authorities are using the “quick-heal” way which simply means that they treat you with medicine’s and whatever the consequences are, they’ll still follow the same strategy, even if it can harm more than heal.
    They want authorities to look for some natural alternative’s that could be more useful than drugs.

    On the other side, there are ones that believe that their authorities couldn’t do any better when it comes to this department, they say that they’re following the recent growth happening in the medical industry, they see that drugs are the most-efficient and the best option for those who are looking for the fastest treatment.

    In conclusion, people should have faith in their authorities when it comes to medication, because no authority will be looking to have a bad foundation in their medical industry, and even more than that, every authority will have it own experts that yes may not be believed at some situations, but should be believed in the things that seem realistic.

  5. Mohammed Al Mazroui Grade 10

    History is something that we have very little personal knowledge of since it all occurred in the past. Most of the time it involved people, places, dates and situations of which we have no familiarity. This raises the question "Did it really happen?" and "Why would anyone want to lie about the past?" Perhaps to hide bad things or make famous historical figures look better?

    Some countries do not teach their citizens about what the the country used to do in the past, the citizens only know because of foreign history from other countries. For example, USA, they did not tell their citizens that they used to kill Native Americans, the citizens know this because of history from foreign countries.

    There is a lot things that happened in the past that we do not know about, because humans didn't exist at that time so we have to use our imagination which usually results in inaccurate knowledge. For example, the extinction of the dinosaurs, humans were not there to know what happened, so we used our imagination and mostly agree that they died of from a meteor.

    There is also a lot that happened in human history and we do not know much about it. For example, the pyramids in Egypt, we still have not found out how they built it and why, most people suggest that it might be a tomb.

    So should you trust history books? Generally, history books are going to be “correct”. The years and places will probably be true, or at least the best guess of qualified historians, and will be labeled as such. They under go a extreme fact-checking process and are written by people who know much about the subject. Sometimes information that are incorrect in history books isnt the writers fault, as they might have been lied to by the authority to hide the real truth. Much of history is lost because the authority hiding the truth and because there is no recordings of it.

  6. Abrar Alasmi .G10. MR Farley

    Did you ever asked yourself why we have faith in authority? There is a reason why, because it's not our DNA to challenge authority figures. The human brain didn't evolve to make us happy, it evolved to make us survive. We live in societies where we all follow the same blueprint, because this is how we've always survived. When the scientist say that the earth is round why do we believe them? The reason is because they do give us some evidence to convince us that the earth is round, for example if you stick a stick in the ground, it will produce a shadow. The shadow moves as time passes. If the world had been flat, then two sticks in different locations would produce the same shadow.
    Why do American youth are losing faith in authority? In the past I heard that everyone believes each other, but now we have social media the place where everyone tells their own thoughts. Now most of people are believing them, but they do not believe in authority. To qualify as being true knowledge in the strictest sense of the term, the knowledge in question must be absolutely true. Knowledge that is not true from such an absolute standpoint but only from a relative standpoint is not perfectly true. The knowledge is important for everyone, because it gives a person ability to understand, analyze, make better decisions and evolve most intelligent thought.

  7. Knowledge and Faith are mostly similar to each other, but knowledge need proofs, and In terms of authorities, we really should use Knowledge.
    What’s happening right now in the united states is not simple, but more than complicated.
    It is about earth (our planet), is it Flat or Round as said by authorities.
    Some people still have Faith that Earth is Flat, and it is hard to change people’s mentality and make them believe that Earth is Round without any proofs.

    We can get back in time and talk about history, what if authorities said that pyramids were built as a house for pharaoh.
    A lot of are not really going to believe it because explorers explored that pyramids had no sign or evidence of house existence.

    Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen,
    And it is a prerequisite for hope and love.
    Faith must be used in mythology and in religions.Here we don't need to use knowledge, because in these subjects we dont need to get proof
    , and no need for reasons.

  8. Saeed AlAraimi
    Grade 10

    Knowledge and Faith are mostly similar to each other, but knowledge need proofs, and In terms of authorities, we really should use Knowledge.
    What’s happening right now in the united states is not simple, but more than complicated.
    It is about earth (our planet), is it Flat or Round as said by authorities.
    Some people still have Faith that Earth is Flat, and it is hard to change people’s mentality and make them believe that Earth is Round without any proofs.

    We can get back in time and talk about history, what if authorities said that pyramids were built as a house for pharaoh.
    A lot of are not really going to believe it because explorers explored that pyramids had no sign or evidence of house existence.

    Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen,
    And it is a prerequisite for hope and love.
    Faith must be used in mythology and in religions.Here we don't need to use knowledge, because in these subjects we cant or dont need to get proof
    , and no need for reasons.

  9. The Problem of Faith and Knowledge in authority

    Should we have faith in authority? People that believe that the Earth is flat do not have faith in the science authority. In the other hand, people who believe that the Earth is round shaped have lots of faith in science authority.

    Most young American do not have faith in their authority whether they are their teachers,parents or scientists. They have faith in their examples such as rock stars or singers. That is why most of them believe that the Earth is flat.

    We should have faith in authorities that gives us evidence about everything they say. For example, the science authority should prove to people that the Earth is round shaped by taking photos of the Earth from space. After that people will have lots of faith in them, and believe them immediately. After that the science authority will have the power to determine what is science knowledge and what is not.

    Math authority is so important because it gives us the knowledge of logic. Logic is very important in our lives. We use it in our daily life, such as going to a place depends on our logic. If we are going to far cities or countries we should use an airplane but if we are going to a nearby place we will go by car.

    Art is very important because it gives us the knowledge of aesthetics. We use aesthetics in our everyday daily life,choosing our clothes and styles. Artists have the power to determine what is an aesthetic knowledge, because they have aesthetical minds.

    At the end, every authority has their own way to determine knowledge, and we as humans need to use the ways of knowing what is our personal knowledge.

  10. Did you ever questioned yourself why do we have faith in authority?
    Well, in order to survive we got to fit in. In our societies all people tend to follow the same footprints because this is how we always lived and survived.

    The most authority that I surely have faith in and people should also have it too is Biologists because something in them tells me and convinces me to trust and have faith in them.They all seem that they all know what there doing and saying.

    We should believe in philosophy and religion authority because they know more than us about god and his profits. There are lots and all kinds of religions around the world such as Muslims, Christians or Hindus but some people don't respect other religions and think that their religion is the right one, and this may cause lots of trouble in our communities.

    Ethics gives us the knowledge of justice, and it is our key to life.Ethics always changes in different situations.We always ask ourselves is this right or is it wrong but not all people have the same perception about ethics, for example Is stealing bad or is it good well it depends on the person's ethics and there is no right answer, and remember ethics changes in different situations.

    In conclusion, Knowledge is very important to everyone and there's no right or wrong answer. We all have the freedom to choose our faiths and beliefs, and this gives the person ways to analyse, improve and think more critically.

    Done by: Shahad Alrawahi

  11. Faith in Authorities
    Done by: AbdulRahman al-mani G10
    Mr: Farley
    Regular humans had changed their vision on having faith in Authorities that’s because of the their unbelievable ways in making us believe a theory that can’t be true, these actions has contributed in ruining this relationship that involve trust between citizens and authorities.
    Nowadays, Citizens always notarize what authorities say, but this law start vanishing .for example, In the United State started suddenly a huge debate whether the earth is rounded or flat first it was like a stupid theory but it developed to an internationally debate and those flat- earthers are concerned they are the correct ones because they believe the key is Antarctica.
    Authorities should allow citizens to discover Antarctica so they recognize by themselves; the earth is rounded, but according to the United Nations Antarctica couldn’t be discovered except by High educated scientists. Which is unfair.
    Authorities where a role model for citizen but this vision is starting to disappear. That’s because they invent unnecessarily laws which gives them an advantage for them-self. No one should trust and have faith in authorities ever again.
    In a history of a country, we are allowed only to learn good historical events of our country but the real and bad history is always removed. Also about historical events such as building the pyramids of Egypt .Authorities usually said it was built for the pharaoh home and Treasures. That theory was right until some scientists went to discover the pyramids they found nothing except pictures that shows their Civilization.
    The way I see it authorities shouldn’t be trusted in histories or theories ever.

  12. Mohammed Al mukhaini. Grade10. MR.James Farley
    Scientists now argue that it would be too difficult to produce fake Moon rocks as part of a global hoax.
    Ever since the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969 – which celebrates its 50th anniversary today – sceptics have claimed it was all a con.
    But space rock specialist and ANU scientist Professor Trevor Ireland says rocks prove the mission really did take place.
    He says such fakery would simply be too costly and difficult.
    "Any attempt to make Moon rocks in a laboratory would be a monumental failure and likely cost more money than it took Nasa to get to the Moon and back," Professor Ireland explained.
    He (The professor) went on: "The lunar soil is like nothing we have seen before on Earth.
    "It is the result of aeons of bombardment on the surface of the Moon.
    "The rockets have compositions that are unique to the Moon."
    Others have claimed that it's possible Nasa simply sent unmanned rockets to the Moon instead.
    These autonomous space drones would have arrived on the lunar planet, and used mechanical tools to collect lunar samples.
    Then, Nasa would've summoned these robot craft back to Earth, bringing Moon rocks with them.
    But Professor Ireland thinks this scenario is just as ludicrous.
    "There are 380kg of Moon rocks," he said.
    "Getting this amount of material back to Earth is just as difficult as getting the 21 Apollo astronauts on seven missions to the Moon and back to Earth.
    "That six missions landed on the Moo, and brought samples back to Earth, is one of the greatest achievements in history.
    "To this day, we continue to analyse the Apollo lunar rocks and they still have surprises for us."
    Mohammed AL-Mukhaini. Grade 10. MR-James Farley


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