Theory of Knowledge: How do we know the shape of the Earth?

Welcome to your English class blog. This week in class we are discussing an aria of knowledge called "epistemology," which is simply the study of what we consider to be knowledge. I found in my many years of teaching that learning Language through epistemological and cultural studies is very effective and fun because these give us a wide range of interesting topics and current events that not only enhances our Language skills but teaches us about the English speaking world, our target culture. In our class we will research and discuss anything and everything, as long as we are having fun and stimulating our minds. Below is a link to an article that I would like you to read. Please respond to the article in no more than 200 words and post your response in the comment section. This week's topic is the Earth below our feet. For thousands of years there has been a debate about the size and shape of the Earth, and now there is a growing movement that purports the Earth is not a round rock floating in infinite space, but a flat plane of consciousness, a sort of conscious-matrix, and we live inside the Earth, not on the outside. We all have our ideas about the Earth and about the Universe, but this begs the question "How do I know?"  Throughout our lives we are exposed to many ideas and beliefs that are passed as "knowledge," but ultimately you must decide for yourself what is knowledge and what is not-knowledge. So, what do you think about the shape of the earth, and how did you process the information and form your own conclusion? Have fun with these assignments and say something interesting!!!!


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    1. Hailey 9 IGCSE

      What is art? And why is it important?

      The dictionary definition of art says that it is “ The conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects”. Of Course there are many kinds of definitions and opinions of art, in my opinion art is very important.In most schools when they can’t afford paying for supplies or any other problems, the first thing they ever think about is to cut out art and/or music, because they think it’s the least important but without art we wouldn’t even have some important things(necessities) in our lives like houses, beds, doors. All those simple things needed imagination and art. If they take out art people wouldn’t be creative as much as others.We needed imagination to make shoes so we don’t burn our feet or get them frozen outside. We also needed creativity and imagination to make clothes and all the different styles and designs to cover ourselves.That’s why art is actually very important and no school should cut it out and understand why we need art, I’m not saying it’s the most important but it is just as important as the other subjects.

  2. Aslkdfjas;lkdfjas;lfkjas;fj as;dlfkjasd;lfkjasd;lfjk aas;flkasdjf;lasdkfj;aslkfjas; asd;lfkjasd;lfkjasd;flkjasd;flasdj;fl asd;lfkasd;fkljasd as;d ;lasdkfjasd;lkfjasd;lfjasd;l fas;dfklasd;lfjasd;lfjkasd;lfkjasd;lfkjasd;lfjasd;lfkjasd;lfkjasd; fasd;lfkjasd;lfkjasd;lfkj asd;lfkjasd ;lfkjasd;lfjkasd;lfkjasd;lfkjasd ;lfkjasd;l fasdasjkf;laskfjasd;lkfjasd;lkfjasd;lfjkasd;lfjasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd;lkfjasd;lfjasd;lfjkasd;lkfjasd;lkfjasd;lfkjas;klja;sdkljfasd f;asdlkfjasd;dfk asd;lfkjasd ;lfkjasd ;lfkjasd;lfkjasd;lfkjasd;flkjasd;fkljasd;lkfj asd;lfkasdj f;lasdkjfasd;lkfjasd;lkfjasd;lkfjasd;lkfjas;l fasd;lfkjasd;lkfjas;lk fasd;lfjkasd;l fjasd;l fasdfasdfsdaasdfasddfasfUsing our class blog,, please submit your first writing assignment by Tuesday, September 16. Please follow the directions I provided in class. This is a "test run" so to speak, to simply assess where you are at in your writing. Have fun and please try to say something interesting.jdsa;lkfjasd;klfjasd;klfjasd;lkfjasd;lfkjasd;lkfjasd;lfkjasd;lfkjasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd fasd;fjasd;lkfjasd;lfjasd;lfjkasd;lfkjasd;lkfjasd;lfjkasd;lfkjasd;lfjkasd;lfkjasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd;lfkjasd;lfjkasd;lfjasdfasdfasdfasdfsd
    your first writing assignment by Tuesday, September 16. Please follow the directions I provided in class. This is a "test run" so to speak, to simply assess where you are at in your writing. Have fun and please try to say something interesting.jdsa;lkfjasd;klfjasd;klfjasd;lkfjasd;lfkjasd;lkfjasd;lfkjasd;lfkjasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd fasd;fjasd;lkfjasd;lfjasd;lfjkasd;lfkjasd;lkfjasd;lfjkasd;lfkjasd;lfjkasd;lfkjasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd;lfjkasd;lfkjasd;lfjkasd;lfjasdfasdfasdfasdfsd

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  4. Abrar Alasmi. G10. MR Farley

    Did you ever asked your self why we have faith in authority? Its not our DNA to challenge authority figures. The human brain didn't evolve to make us happy, it evolved to make us survive. We live in societies where we all follow the same blueprint, because this is how we've always survived.When the scientist say that the earth is round why do we believe them? The reason is because they do give us some evidence to convince us that the earth is round, for example if you stick a stick in the ground, it will produce a shadow. The shadow moves as time passes. If the world had been flat, then two sticks in different locations would produce the same shadow.
    Why do American youth are losing faith in authority? In the past i heard that everyone believes each other, but now we have social media the place where everyone tells their own thoughts. Now most of people are believing them, but they do not believe in authority.
    To qualify as being true knowledge in the strictest sense of the term, the knowledge in question must be absolutely true. Knowledge that is not true from such an absolute standpoint but only from a relative standpoint is not perfectly true.
    The knowledge is important for everyone, because it gives a person ability to understand, analyze, make better decisions and evolve most intelligent thoughts.

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  6. Mohammed Al mukhaini. Grade 10. MR.James Farley
    Scientists now argue that it would be too difficult to produce fake Moon rocks as part of a global hoax.
    Ever since the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969 – which celebrates its 50th anniversary today – skeptics have claimed it was all a con.
    But space rock specialist and ANU scientist Professor Trevor Ireland says rocks prove the mission really did take place.
    He says such fakery would simply be too costly and difficult.
    "Any attempt to make Moon rocks in a laboratory would be a monumental failure and likely cost more money than it took NASA to get to the Moon and back," Professor Ireland explained.
    He (The professor) went on: "The lunar soil is like nothing we have seen before on Earth.
    "It is the result of aeons of bombardment on the surface of the Moon.
    "The rockets have compositions that are unique to the Moon."
    Others have claimed that it's possible NASA simply sent unmanned rockets to the Moon instead.
    These autonomous space drones would have arrived on the lunar planet, and used mechanical tools to collect lunar samples.
    Then, Nasa would've summoned these robot craft back to Earth, bringing Moon rocks with them.
    But Professor Ireland thinks this scenario is just as ludicrous.
    "There are 380kg of Moon rocks," he said.
    "Getting this amount of material back to Earth is just as difficult as getting the 21 Apollo astronauts on seven missions to the Moon and back to Earth.
    "That six missions landed on the Moo, and brought samples back to Earth, is one of the greatest achievements in history.
    "To this day, we continue to analyse the Apollo lunar rocks and they still have surprises for us."
    Mohammed AL-Mukhaini. Grade 10. MR-James Farley

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  8. Elyas G10 MR.James Farley
    Some people believe in the authority maybe because it is the only place or program that you can get news and knowledge from it. It might causes problems because they can say many things without any clues. It makes the people faith and trust the authority.
    The first thing that the faith of the authority can cause problems. For example some people believe that the earth is flat because the authority says the opposite. Also they believe that the sun is moving around the earth.
    But most of the time authorities is right because when they say something they give with it a clue or pictures such as that the earth is round by checking them with the satellite so the flat earth people can believe that the earth is round and isn’t flat.
    We also should have faith in designed authorities because it is the most trusted and also transfer the information without rumours and bringing the information from the right source without any mistake. So that why it is the perfect place to get the knowledge from.
    So lastly in my opinion the most trusted place to get knowledge and information is in the designed authorities because it gets the information from the right source and with proves so it can get people’s faith and trust.

  9. Mohammed Al Mazroui Grade 10

    History is something that we have very little personal knowledge of since it all occurred in the past. Most of the time it involved people, places, dates and situations of which we have no familiarity. This raises the question "Did it really happen?" and "Why would anyone want to lie about the past?" Perhaps to hide bad things or make famous historical figures look better?

    Some countries do not teach their citizens about what the the country used to do in the past, the citizens only know because of foreign history from other countries. For example, USA, they did not tell their citizens that they used to kill Native Americans, the citizens know this because of history from foreign countries.

    There is a lot things that happened in the past that we do not know about, because humans didn't exist at that time so we have to use our imagination which usually results in inaccurate knowledge. For example, the extinction of the dinosaurs, humans were not there to know what happened, so we used our imagination and mostly agree that they died of from a meteor.

    There is also a lot that happened in human history and we do not know much about it. For example, the pyramids in Egypt, we still have not found out how they built it and why, most people suggest that it might be a tomb.

    So should you trust history books? Generally, history books are going to be “correct”. The years and places will probably be true, or at least the best guess of qualified historians, and will be labeled as such. They under go a extreme fact-checking process and are written by people who know much about the subject. Sometimes information that are incorrect in history books isnt the writers fault, as they might have been lied to by the authority to hide the real truth. Much of history is lost because the authority hiding the truth and because there is no recordings of it.

  10. How to know the earth is round?

    the evidence that human used to know the earth's sphere all the planets we abserve whether by naked eye or by telescope are spherical

    the presence of night in one part of the globe and day in other part at the same time indicates the spherical earth. so hwo we can explane thid phenomenon in the presence of the flat land?

    note that hurricanes very according to their area of existance they rotate right in the northan part
    of the glope and rotate left in southern section so is swirt of water, whether in the sea oe even in the bathtub of the house the movement of the earth effects it direction.

    there are studies that say: if we you walk 10,000km 90 right then 10000 90 up then 10,000 90 km left will end at point you started from that's mean a triangle with 3 angles of 90 only takes place on a spherical surface *on a spherical surface onlyyyy.

    the altitude of the sun is diffrerent as we move away from equator, so we can also calculate the sphericality of the earth by using this phenomenon using the stick and recording the lenght of the shadow and after the stick apart we can calculate of the diameter of the earth

    and there is study that say: the shape of the stars changes between two parts of the earth the shape of the stars we see in canada is inverted in australlia
    and i've heard befor about "magellan" he is traveller and explorer has made several achivments leading the first eurpen voyage around the world he was sailed west and remaind spell west until his boat reahed the point were he set off "he died on the road but his boat arrived"

    if we look at disant ship on the horozion. we will only see it's top section "and that what greek scientist said the same phenomenon" we can see in the big lakes like watching chicago from lake michigan "we will able to see only hight skyscapers"

    and when the lunar eclips accur we will see that the shadow on the moon is always spherical .

    the first to dicover spherical earth .
    research say that : in the middle of the fourth century, the greek philosopher "plato" in 348BC proposed the theory of the spherical earth for the first time, but he didn't recive enough support from the after math and this remaind more guss .

    then in the fifteenth century AD, the russian scientist "nicolas kubrinks" conculded that the earth is spherical and that isn't the center of the universe but church didn't publish his book only on his deathbed .
    in the same period scientist "friedenand magellan" *i was mentioned his name befor* and his student "juan substian elcano" issued partcal descriptions of the earth's sphere starting from their voyage during which they traveled hemisphere. what looks like an egg

    -so there is many scientfic reaserches about the earth make me belive the earth is a circular .


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