
Showing posts from May, 2019

Optimism versus Pessimism

This is a brief assignment, but please practice your language skills regarding gun control in America. What are your views? What do you think about it all? You can say anything that interests you. Have fun and say something interesting!

Language and Ethics: Freedom of Speech

Please take some time tonight to write down your thoughts on today's lesson. Keep it under 200 words, and use this time to focus on clarity and precision with your thoughts and language. Try to say something interesting and thought provoking, to the best of your ability. So, when we talk about language and ethics, we run into some problems regarding free speech. In the U.S. the right to free speech is the 1st amendment to the constitution, therefore it is very, very important. Some countries have it listed lower in priority, and some countries don't have the right to free speech at all.  What are your thoughts on the matter? Is there such a thing as "freedom of speech" ? Should it even be a right at all? If so, where do we draw the line to protect the interests of the nation, the people, the youth, etc.?